2010年10月25日 星期一

lsof: list open files

剛才要重裝 nose 卻一直跑出這樣的錯誤訊息:
OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/some-path/lib/python2.5/site-packages/nose/plugins/.nfs0000000001d8a00f000005c0'

查到這篇說是 NFS 的安全措施, 可以用 lsof 檢查那些 process 開啟目標檔案。用 lsof 找出相關 process, 將它們清光後就 OK 啦。

1 則留言:

  1. If you are looking for using Windows 10 Fax and Scan multiple pages by flatbed scanners or printers, you should know that the Fax and Scan app built-in on Windows 10 computer is a very basic one.

    Scanning multiple pages into one document might seem tough if you do not know how do i scan multiple pages into one document using windows scan . If you are one of them who work with documents of many pages regularly, this post is going to help you.

    However, it is not very easy to do this work for free. There are a few paid tools that offer you this. In this article, I am going to talk about the tools you need to have to do it along with other tips on different scanners for scanning multiple pages into one PDF. Let’s get started.


在 Fedora 下裝 id-utils

Fedora 似乎因為執行檔撞名,而沒有提供 id-utils 的套件 ,但這是使用 gj 的必要套件,只好自己編。從官網抓好 tarball ,解開來編譯 (./configure && make)就是了。 但編譯後會遇到錯誤: ./stdio.h:10...